Health insurance policy / RC AMSTAFF

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Help us create your policy: join us as we work together to build health/public liability insurance for your dog!

Which policies are available for purebred dogs? Today, the insurance market only offers general policies for dogs, without taking into account the needs related to the single breeds. AMSTAFF, for instance, may suffer from hereditary cataracts, a disease that causes great suffering to the animal and may prompt owners to practice euthanasia to save them pain.

Why we are different and how can we get a policy? Because the power we acquire as a group allows us to negotiate the price and conditions of the policies, so we can obtain new products, not yet present on the market. This is why joining the group is so necessary : once we have 100 members, we will able to reach our objectives.

Invite other AMSTAFF owners to the group: the more we are, the easier it will be to get the most from the insurance companies.
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